I believe Picasso is influential due to his pervasiveness into modern art; he has created many abstract paintings in which has become a defining theme in modern art. In addition to his abstract artwork, he created a unique form of creating portraits which has inspired his successors. As a whole, Picasso embodies the arch of art through his different eras of paintings. - Collin Wilson
As we think of modern art, we immediately think of people like Picasso and the influence he has had on shaping what art is today. At some point, we all have heard of this great artist. Picasso does not only have influence on modern art, but he also influenced his own generation of artists who came after him. He paved the way for the artists to think outside the box and move away from what was "traditional art." They started experimenting with art. Picasso has a great influence on modern art with his unmatched style and view that many modern artists are inspired by. Those who view his art have the choice to interpret the art however they want to. -Beatrice Njogu
Picasso is very influential in modern art; he has created many different paintings that have inspired numerous artists and public figures. He has many different types of paintings that have allowed modern artists to experience freedom while painting, sculpting and drawing. All in all, Pablo Picasso allows all types of artist to express themselves individually in past eras and currently in the modern era. - Sydney Garrett
In today's society, we know that it is extremely difficult to become popular in the name of art. Without Pablo Picasso, a whole genre of art would have never come about, and less opportunities would be available for artists to express themselves creatively. This genre of art, Cubism, transformed the way we interpret art. Because of Picasso, we intellectully examine artwork and seek multiple meanings behind it; we dont look at art just for its beauty anymore. He made us think twice. - Ansley Myers
I believe Picasso is so influential because his art encourages freedom and creativity. It allows for modern day artists to paint or sculpt what they feel and express themselves. His abstract artwork shows how beautiful one's creativity can truly be. He is so influential because his art encourages others to be themselves and to be free. - Austin Buchwitz
Pablo Picasso is very influential because he pushed the boundaries of art in every form that he worked on during his lifetime. He embodied what it meant to be unique and opened the door for other artists to freely express themselves, their opinions and beliefs. His creativity and drive set him apart from other artists during the 20th century and made him become one of the most famous artists to ever be. -Tyler Webb
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